Turbo Charger Vs Super Charger

Difference Between Turbo Charger and Super Charger

There is quite a bit of terminology when it comes to automobile parts, and a person can get very easily confused. Some of the things that are bantered about may sound very appealing, but may not be what a car buyer wants in his or her vehicle. Understanding differences between various components helps to make a better decision. Superchargers and turbochargers are mentioned almost in the same breath by many people in the auto industry. There is definitely a difference between the two of them.

Super Charger

1. Super Charger uses crankshaft's power to operate.
2. It is a old technology for performance boost.
3. It consumes crankshaft's power.
4. It is directly connected with the engine by a belt drive.
5. It doesn't have a waste gate, so the smog emits from a super charger.
6. It can accelerate turbine up-to 50,000 RPM (revolution per minute).
7. Super charger is easy for maintenance.
8. It can boost up the vehicle at a lower engine RPM.

Turbo Charger 

1. Turbo charger uses exhaust gas power to operate.
2. It is a new technology for exhaust gas maintenance and performance boost.
3. It doesn't consumes crankshaft's power.
4. It is mounted on the exhaust manifold.
5. It has a waste gate so smog doesn't emits from it.
6. It can accelerate turbine up-to 15,000 RPM (revolution per minute).
7. Turbo charger is complex for maintenance.
8. It can't boost up the vehicle at a lower RPM.


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